A letter to my dad

Dear dad,
Hi, although I have never met you, hell, I don’t even know your name, but I felt obligated to write this for some strange reason unbeknownst to me. I’d like to start my letter by saying thanks for all you have done for me; I mean that sincerely. You made me one hell of a man. I know there are lots of fatherless children in the world, but like they say, every body handles shit differently. It made me a cold hearted tough skinned child, and i grew up to be an even colder  hearted, tougher skinned man. You made me crave for knowledge. I felt like if my dad was the only thing in life I didn’t know, and I learned everything else that I could then I felt Like I made out pretty good . I also have to give you your props…you must have been a fly guy in your day because of what the lady’s tell me…I’m pretty handsome, so thanks for that.
now, I wanna tell you about me, and all the wonderful things you missed out on my life like my school years.. I turned out to be a pretty good athlete; I played baseball, foot ball, and I’m a pretty good boxer. So, I like to imagine you where a pretty good athlete also. But who knows. I’m also a high school grad. I know that don’t sound like much, but these guys in my generation have like a 1 in 10 grad rate; therefore, I think I did good; I’m also a college student with a mind for Business. I have four beautiful kids…so yeah, I made you a grandad…not that you’ll ever know.
Last but not least, I wanna just talk. I wanna talk about how I imagine you. I always say to my self: my dad is a successful Business man or an athlete. Some times I even pretend you was a big dope dealer….Someone like Frank Lucas. I wonder are you religious? Did you find God,or did u find jah like me. Actually jah is the reason I’m writing this. He spoke to my heart while I was jogging a few minutes ago. He told me to clear my heart and mind. To let my past stop dimming my light so I can have a bright future. So with that being said, thanks dad for my looks, my athletic abilities, and my strength.
Sincerely,your bastard child

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